Prepare for Birth
HypnoBirthing the Mongan Method is a full comprehensive birth education course which will give you and your birthing partner everything you need and more, to prepare with confidence for a calmer pregnancy and more gentle, positive and informed birth experience.
Imagine if…..
Your labour was shorter by several hours
You might not need to use any anesthesia
You feel energized after birth
You are comfortable and relaxed during labour and birth
The need for episiotomy or other interventions is reduced
You feel positive about your birthing experience
Your baby is more relaxed and feeds well
You have a positive birth experience even if it doesn’t go to plan
You know exactly how to support yourself & your baby in the postpartum
Birth stays with you…
Preparing your mind, body and emotions with a complete birth education program, has the priceless flow on effect for you and your family for a lifetime….
2025 HypnoBirthing Course Dates:
Ivanhoe in-person
5 x Sundays 4.30pm- 7.00pm
16th March- 13th April
27th April- 25th May
8th June- 6th July
31st-August- 5th October
(1 booking = Pregnant person & birth partner, Maximum 4 Couples)
Private classes are available upon enquiry
HypnoBirthing is Evidence Based
A HypnoBirthing course will give you and your birthing partner everything you need and more, to prepare with confidence for a calmer pregnancy and more gentle, positive and informed birth experience.
It will provide the opportunity for you to lose the fear and step into your birthing experience from a place of empowerment and birthing wisdom.
What we believe is what we experience, with HypnoBirthing you can change the way you view birthing. Learn how your thoughts, emotions and perceptions influence hormonal physiology and the physical responses of your body.
The 'hypnosis' of HypnoBirthing, is an important aspect to confidently address fears of birth, our socially conditioned beliefs about birth and perceptions of pain in the subconscious. It might sound strange, but it works!
Hypnosis for birth is grounded in evidence, with research showing birthing parents who feel more relaxed, safe, calm and prepared in mind and body, have a 50% reduction in rate of caesareans, reduced rate of other interventions, and an increased likelihood of a shorter labour.
With hypnosis, birthing parents can train and strengthen their neural pathways to provide optimal states of relaxation when called upon, for easier, more comfortable and gentle birthing.
HypnoBirthing is as much a philosophy as it is a technique. It combines birth education with a range of breathing techniques, visualisations, relaxation and deepening techniques, self-hypnosis techniques, massage techniques and birthing affirmations to optimise your mind body connection.
It educates and prepares you and your birth partner in the hormonal and physiological processes of birth; what to expect in each stage of labour; birth positions and labour comforts; medical interventions and what to expect at the hospital;
Importantly, it helps birthing partners to be supportive and confident, knowing exactly what to do each step of the way!
How is the course delivered?
5 modules across 5 weeks for you and your birth partner, each weekly session is 2.5 hours. You will also receive:The HypnoBirthing textbook
Evidence based birth resources and labour techniques
Breathing techniques
Relaxation scripts and audios
Visualisation and Affirmation posters
Birth preference templates for instinctive physiological and casarean birth
Birth partner guide & support template
Relaxation and self-hypnosis audios
Weekly emails after each class with additional education materials
Support from me as your HypnoBirthing Educator the whole way through
Bonus 30 minute online postpartum Birth Wellness session
How soon should I start?
A great time to begin a HypnoBirthing course is from about 20 weeks onwards. The earlier you begin to embody the techniques and continue practicing the better. Each person is unique in deciding when the right time for them is, but in general it is recommended to complete a course between 20 and 36 weeks and continue your practice from there.
"Birth is not only about making babies. It's about making mothers; strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and believe in their inner strength"
Barbara Katz Rothman

Group Classes: $649
Private Classes: From $1000
Private Refresher Class $225*
*For birthing couples whom have previously completed HypnoBirthing education with Meagan, tailored to what is needed
Does HypnoBirthing really work?
A message from the HypnoBirthing Institute:
Over the last 3 decades, we have had hundreds of thousands of expectant parents around the world prepare for their births with our HypnoBirthing program. We receive birth stories, thank you emails and testimonials weekly from parents that are so grateful to have had these tools and techniques (as well as a positive mindset) to use for their birth. Does every person that attends HypnoBirthing have a physiological instinctive birth. No of course not. Birth is unpredictable and each mother and baby is unique, as is their birth experience.
The biggest misconception about HypnoBirthing, is that to have a Hypnobirth you need to have an unmedicated, physiological and pain-free birth. We cannot and would not promise anyone that by using HypnoBirthing, your birth will be pain free without unanticipated events. (If anyone is promising you that, run a mile!). We are about supporting you in achieving your birthing goals, as these are personal to each birthing person.
What we can promise is that with this ‘toolbox of techniques’ and the education that enables you to be informed and able to advocate for your birth choices, will give you the best chance at having the most positive birth possible. We are preparing couples for whatever turn their birthing takes. We also know that the techniques will help you have a calmer and more comfortable experience of birth. If you practice, you will see the benefits.
When you remove the fear of childbirth, understand the physiology of birth, have an incredible support team that are advocating for your birth choices, you can step into birth confident in your ability and use your HypnoBirthing toolbox to ride the waves of labour and birth in a more calm, focused and instinctive way. If birth takes a turn, your tools will help you make the best choices and stay calm in the process.
So, does it work? Yes it absolutely does!
‘I achieved the birth I hoped for without any pain relief, I practiced the visualisations and breathing, and had the most wonderful birth companion assistance. Thank you again for being part of our journey’.
Kylie & Luke
'Our baby boy arrived one day before his due date. His birth was everything I imagined it to be thanks to you and our hypnobirthing course.
It was a very quick labour, all natural and I am recovering really well. Such a positive and great experience both in birth and hospital stay!
We couldn’t be more happy with everything we learnt from our course!'
Adriana & Mirland
We were so happy with our decision to hire Meagan as our Hypnobirthing coach. My husband and I found her sessions to be not only full of information and support, but also extremely relaxing and took us to a meditative state each week. We looked forward to each class and really feel as if we benefited from what we were taught, both for our birthing experience but also for our every day life. She took away the fear we had in our mind surrounding birth, and filled us with excitement. I would recommend hiring Meagan to anyone wanting to open their minds and experience a calm and nurturing birth experience. Thank you so much for allowing us to take the journey with you.
Dannielle & Damien
‘I was able to use hypnobirth breathing all through the first phase of labour at home, and I also feel that the meditations and calm environment we created helped to bring on spontaneous labour a few hours after my membranes ruptured. We actually turned up to the hospital fully dilated and very calm. As one midwife said to me "you look too happy for someone whose contractions are 2 minutes apart". Needless to say there were quite a few surprised people (me included) when they did check the dilation!’
Sophie & Alastair
‘We welcomed our baby girl into the world after a very quick 4.5 hr birth. We nearly didn’t make it to the hospital in time! It was intense from the start with surges close together and strong, so my calm breathing helped me cope. The midwives said I did amazingly breathing the baby down when I got there too. I used no pain management at all due to it being so fast. We are really excited she is finally here, and I feel positive towards my birth experience- even though it was a whirlwind at the time. Thanks for all your support through HypnoBirth!’
Amelia & Tom
‘I recently completed my HypnoBirthing course with Meagan via online zoom classes. With stage 3 restrictions in place at the time, being able to take the course via zoom was invaluable. Me and my partner felt safe and comfortable at home and Meagan went to every effort to make the course run smoothly and easily. The course was particularly important because all of the hospital classes were cancelled due to restrictions and I was feeling dis-empowered and uneducated about my pregnancy. The HypnoBirthing course provided us with all the answers to our questions and a huge amount of knowledge we didn't know we didn't know! I went from feeling in the dark and overwhelmed to feeling confident, skilled and relaxed. The course brought me and my partner closer together, got us on the same page and connecting in a very meaningful way. Meagan was a great facilitator, I highly recommend her, participating via zoom was a fantastic way to take the course and stay safe, calm and relaxed’.
Lou & Luca
We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for make calm birthing possible.I started having surges Friday morning at 1.30am and delivered in water at 4.51pm. Jonathan and my mum reminded me about the breathing techniques and using the correct words while the surges were becoming stronger and stronger. Our baby made his way to my arms naturally. No medications or stitches were required. It was an experience we will cherish forever.
Keep doing what you are doing and spread the word that there is no fear in giving birth.It is a unique experience!! Thank you again '
Laura & Jonathan
'We can truly say the course has been absolutely eye opening for both of us, way beyond the part of birthing our little one, but we will treasure the learnings for the rest of our life. We are so grateful to have met you, you are such a special soul, have such a talent and special gift so keep being so awesome at what you do and sharing it with others.'
Mylena & Ricky
‘I felt very proud to have achieved the birth we had hoped, no drugs, minimal intervention and overall a very positive, joyful and calm environment to welcome Nina into. Vince was so supportive, I felt the biggest thing from the hypnobirthing course was that he had the knowledge and tools he needed to be an active participant in the birth'.
Sara & Vince
‘Whenever and however you give birth, your experience will impact your mind, your body and your spirit for the rest of your life’
Ina May Gaskin
Refund Policy: If you purchase a HypnoBirthing course through our website we are happy to refund your payment if you give us a minimum 14 days notice (minus a non-refundable deposit of $150).
If you decide you no longer want to complete the course within 14 days of the commencement date, unfortunately we are unable to provide a refund in order to protect the time, space and resources allocated for this service.